The majority of the UK now purchase their vehicles via finance, lease, contract hire or hire purchase. Guaranteed Asset
Protection policies are designed to ensure that in the event of an insurable total loss, you are not out of pocket.
Our finance GAP insurance will pay the difference (up to the total sum insured) between the total loss value provided
by your vehicle insurer and the settlement value provided by the vehicle finance company.
Our purchase price protection GAP will pay the difference (up to the total sum insured) between the total loss value
provided by your vehicle insurer and the price paid for the vehicle when purchased.
Other GAP products can be offered, such as agreed value GAP for vehicles purchased more than three months ago. You can
insure the invoice value of your vehicle, as long as a GAP policy is incepted within three months of purchase. Outside of
this period, an agreed value GAP policy can be placed.
Cover periods can be placed between 1 and 4 years.
Contact our team or request a call back, where we can discuss your requirements.